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A unique chemoinformatics platform and toxicity data- and knowledgebase with in silico tools and workflows to support the chemical safety and risk assessment process for human health and regulatory-relevant endpoints

CORINA Classic
A fast, reliable and robust 3D structure generator with a broad scope of application and covered chemical space known for its excellent performance for high-quality 3D molecular models and for its application in big data chemistry

CORINA Symphony
A cheminformatics application to store, manage, manipulate and profile molecular data sets for in silico discovery and optimization with powerful structural and physicochemical descriptor calculation and ToxPrint fingerprinting
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ChemTunes Product Line
ChemTunes·ToxGPS platform and database for reliable and comprehensive in vitro and in vivo toxicity data and information on human health and regulatory-relevant endpoints as well as a toxicity knowledgebase for in silico predictions and workflows to support the safety evaluation and risk assessment process of chemical compounds
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CORINA Product Line
CORINA Classic for generating low-energy 3D molecular models
CORINA Symphony for managing, manipulating and profiling molecular data sets in in silico discovery, optimization, and modeling experiments and studies
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ChemoTyper for searching and highlighting of chemotypes (substructures) in chemical datasets for grouping, filtering and categorization (houses the ToxPrint chemotype library)
ToxPrint for profiling chemical datasets with a public library of chemotypes consisting of generic structural fragments, Ashby-Tennant genotoxic carcinogen rules, and cancer TTC categories