CORINA Product Line
CORINA Classic Manual
for generating 3D molecular models
CORINA Symphony Manual for managing, manipulating, and profiling molecular data sets for in silico discovery and optimization experiments
CORINA Symphony Tutorial for managing, manipulating, and profiling molecular data sets for in silico discovery and optimization experiments

ChemTunes·ToxGPS Product Line
ChemTunes·ToxGPS User Guide (coming soon)
Free Products
ChemoTyper application for searching and highlighting of chemotypes (substructures) in chemical datasets for for grouping, filtering and categorization (houses the ToxPrint chemotype library)
ToxPrint chemotype library for profiling chemical datasets with a public library of chemotypes consisting of generic structural fragments, Ashby-Tennant genotoxic carcinogen rules, and cancer TTC categories
ChemoType Editor for creating, editing, and storing chemotypes