Antimicrobials (AMs) are a group of chemicals widely used in consumer products as well as crop management. They can be pesticides (also known as biocides) or preservatives used in food additives or cosmetics formulations.
This project was designed to build on previous research sponsored by the ACC Biocides Panel which has demonstrated the applicability of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) approach to the evaluation of antimicrobial pesticides.
Results of the Project
- Compilation of the AM TTC Candidate Database
- AM Inventory and New AM-TTC Dataset
- Chemical Profile and Categorization by ToxPrint Chemotypes
- Development of Potency-Aware AM Categories
- Regulatory Utilitarian Perspective and Use Cases
Preparation of the AM TTC dataset
The development of the Antimicrobial TTC dataset followed the same process described in the COSMOS TTC database (Yang, 2017). Using the regulatory inventory of antimicrobial chemicals as a look up table, a scoping study was perform across the full public domain to compile appropriate toxicity data. This collection was combined with currently existing TTC datasets and implemented in a relational database, the NOAEL/LOAEL Database. The AM TTC dataset was then derived from this database by applying TTC data-inclusion criteria such that the final AM TTC dataset includes the existing TTC datasets and is enriched with AM chemicals.
The final database contains 1,557 studies for 1,368 compounds (1,350 organics and 19 IOMs). The database includes 640 antimicrobials. New data harvesting enriched the database with toxicity studies for 268 compounds from EFSA, ECHA, SCCS, JECFA and CIR. A total of 144 studies for 115 compounds were reviewed by AM TTC toxicologists.
Downloadable Files
Terms of Usage
The data contained and obtained from the AM TTC dataset (“DATA”) may be used by end-users for scientific research activities and purposes only. The DATA in its original or in any transformed format or any derivative work of it whether as a whole or in parts should not be included in or used to build, generate, or create any commercial database and/or software.
- AM TTC Report – Final Report on Database and Cheminformatics to support a proposal to expand the applicability of thresholds of toxicological concern in the risk assessment of antimicrobials by developing a framework to utilize subchronic toxicity data in TTC Application (pdf)
- Entire AM TTC dataset plus the constituents of the Global Antimicrobial Inventory (xlsx)
- Appendix 1. Compounds comprising Global Antimicrobial Inventory and regulatory sources (xlsx)
- Part 1 of presentations at EPA on October 8, 2019 (pdf)
- Part 2 of presentations at EPA on October 8, 2019 (pdf)
- Publication Yang et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 109 (2017) 170-193 (pdf)